2 Weeks Left: Wayside Power Complete (almost) Circuit
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Research from IEEE that shows that a ucap bank with multiple series / parallel cells should be wired parallel string first and than series. Here is the chart behind it:
Wayside Power Small Scale Prototype: Update 4 Weeks remaining Issues this week: Maxwell has still not gotten back to us, so we have begun to look for cheaper alternatives If we create a supercap bank made up with many 2.7V cells in combination of series and parallel, we will be able to save money. This does cause the charging time to increase to about 4 minuets, up from about 45 seconds, as each cell can only handle about 30A of current vs 2000A with the other more expensive modules. We will have to solder all of these together. We will have to create a casing to hold and easily assemble, dissemble. We can use SAB MOSFETS to balance our series stack and prevent overcharging instead of trying to match a mosfet of the shelf with our ucap modules, this is a good thing! These are specifically designed to be a low cost and low power usage solution to balancing supercaps in series. https://www.digikey.my/en/videos/a/advanced-line...
Team + Individual (Tynan) Blog (Up until 02/27/2019) Programming: ATtiny841 ATtiny841 is configured and accepting code from master. (Not through UART but ISP). Explanation of the code can be seen in the flow chart on the ride hand side of the above schematic ("1st Attempt"). Each controller will have to be programmed an a value (controller #1, #2, ... , #n) in EEPROM using EEPROM.write ( EEPROM_ARDUINO ). EEPROM is essentially an extra hard drive with limited space. Things stored in here will remain when the chip is shut off. Using Serial Communications, (Sent in Binary with serial.write( SERIAL_ARDUINIO )) the master can send a value to a specific chip telling it to turn on, read its supercapacitors voltage, send it back to the master and finally turn back off. This method ensures minimum current draw from cells and eliminates the need for a voltage divider (which is constantly drawing power). The slaves are isolated from the master by a device called optoisolat...
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